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About Us

About Gilly UK Tech Store

Welcome to Gilly UK Tech Store.

Gilly UK Tech Store is a multi vendor E-Commerce platform based in Cameroon that specializes in the sales of electronics and offers digital marketing services to it’s vendors thereby attracting online traffic to their products. Gilly UK Tech Store is developed and owned by Gilly-UK, a leading tech company that offers a wide variety of tech services from Software to Network and Electronics services. Gilly UK aims to improve life and business in the community by identifying its need and providing long lasting innovative solutions such as this E-commerce platform. Our objective is to bring your electronics shopping just a click away from you.

Why Choose Us

At Gilly-UK, we’re passionate about building lifelong relationships with a foundation that starts with your business and marketing results.

Any worthwhile relationship requires work from both parties to be successful. We partner with our clients to understand the why behind your business, the goals you aspire to and impact this will have on your customers and business.

We translate this into a unique and authentic marketing strategy to get us there together.

Our Approach

After auditing over 40 companies' digital marketing strategies, we’ve found that on average over 76% of digital marketing budgets are wasted.
Our first step is to reallocate or save those wasted marketing budgets. Next, we set up the foundation for lasting growth with robust analytics that paints an accurate picture of how each marketing channel is performing.
Finally, with the foundational pieces in place, we are positioned to start scaling your marketing results and driving towards your business goals.

We’re Really Good At What We Do

Gilly-UK Tech Store helps companies grow to the next level by building, developing and executing a dynamic digital marketing strategy.
With Gilly-UK, results-based relationships means creating an environment where clients, vendors and our company can achieve their objectives and goals.
Getting there the right way & enjoying the journey
After battling with the challenges as a start-up company, we made a decision to pour our main resources into solidifying a strong, stable, premium quality service.
Our interest is not just money but we want to create an impact. We do that by creating an environment of growth.

Customer Impact

At Gilly-UK, we fully understand that it is our customers who have the power in the same way that your customers have the power. The power to choose which products you buy, services you purchase, and partners you engage with.
Not only that, but having a positive customer experience promotes loyalty, helps us retain our own clientele, and encourages brand advocacy.

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